SKU: SKU: 4334
The Acuback Kit includes:
Dr. Cohen has summarized the latest scientific research on what computers do to your body and given you THE PRECISE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO KNOW in an easy to read format. Some of the findings leading researches have discovered will shock you: for instance, did you know that colon cancer rates increase when you sit for extended periods of time using a computer?Dr. Cohen’s simple solutions to common computer issues are effective, simple to implement and don’t cost a cent! He’s done the work for you, making the 7 Essentials of Healthy Computing a must for anyone that uses a computer.
Includes a special bonus link to easy FREE ONLINE STRETCH PROGRAMS specifically designed by Dr. Cohen for computer users. These will decrease your pain, improve performance and help revitalize you throughout your day making a big difference in the way you feel and work.