SKU: SKU: 3203
Steel Fractional Plate Weight Sets offer tremendous flexibility for all lifters at various strength levels. Athletes, youths, women, men, seniors, advocates of progression training, and individuals rehabbing are some of the areas where small incremental weight is needed.
That also means you can increase weight in .5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5 lb. increments before you would get to the usual 5 lb. increase. In some difficult exercise, increasing your weight by 5 lbs. is just not manageable or necessarily safe. It is important to control the weight increases, so that the body is able to grow in size and strength without failure or injury.
Includes 2 x 1/4lbs, 2 x 1/2lbs, 2 x 3/4lbs, 2 x 1lbs